
If you just need a good rest and a bit of a pamper, you are welcome to a massage in your own apartment. We have two great options below.

Oceanic Organic Therapies
Lynette 07792360561
Instagram: @oceanicorganictherapies

Sheila Shepherd Reflexology and Aromatherapy.
Sheila 07876 524754 

Out and about, we can recommend

Pure skin and beauty

Pure offers a wide variety of skin and beauty treatments, including massage, at a very reasonable price. You will also get a warm welcome and excellent care from Eileen and her team.

Address: 5 The Square, Braunton, Devon, EX33 2JD
Call: 01271 815600
> Visit Website

Hands on

In Braunton you can go for a relaxing session in a floatation tank or they offer a full range of therapies, including: Bowen Technique, osteopathy, physiotherapy, advanced manipulative therapy, sports injury treatments, and hypnotherapy. They also offer a complete range of massages including, healing massage, deep tissue, chavutti, aromatherapy, hot stones & much more.

Address: 5 Cedar House, Caen Stree, Braunton EX331AH
Call: 01271812998
> Visit Website

Spa days

We have two lovely local hotels that offer spa days within a 15-minute drive.

The Woolacombe bay hotel have a lovely spa called the Alchemist spa 01271 870388. 

Or there’s Saunton Sands hotel with its lovely views from the Source Spa 01271 890212